
Social Media

FACEBOOK   Facebook is a website or social network that was created by three people: Mark Zuckerberg, who is an American programmer and businessman, along with Eduardo Saverin, who is a Brazilian businessman, and Chris Hughes is an American owner who together with his friends devised and they promoted the creation of this popular social network; but it was in 2010 when its inauguration took place and it became a great success with the passage of time. 😱😀 Facebook is a social network that was created to keep people in contact, and that they could share information, news and audiovisual content with their own friends and family. Advantages:               Ø Ease of connection.   Ø Simple adverti sing.   Ø   Relevant content.      Ø It is a great tool to sell products or create your own company. Disadvantages:   Ø It implies loss of privacy.   Ø It can be the scene of harassment and hateful comments...

Several Houses in Ecuador

ecuadorian houses Ecuador has different models of houses, but they are built depends on the area, the model of the house and what materials the house will be made of. Coast region:  In the rural area of ​​ the coast the houses are made of wood, guadua cane and cali roofs.  In the city the houses are built depending on the economic situation of each family, if the families are middle or upper class they usually build cement houses.  also several people from the middle and lower classes choose to build their wooden houses,  guadua cane and cadi. Sierra region:  In the mountains since ancient times, traditional houses are made of blocks that are clay and straw, but as time progresses and everything is modernized, there are very few houses of these and we can find them in the indigenous communities, in the city and its outskirts.   Nowadays it is very common to find reinforced concrete houses. Amazon region:  In the Amazon mainly the houses are built with ...

The Drugs

Experience With Marijuana   My experiences with marijuana have been many, some good, some fun, and some bad. 😂😄😓   For example: Once I was at a friend's house and he was cooking, suddenly we started smoking marijuana then we got into a funny conversation, he completely forgot about the kitchen and by the time he went to check the rice was already burning. 😂   The marijuana in the course of the time that I consumed it has caused in me, changes of mood, irregularity at the time of eating and difficulty to memorize. 😕 The effects of marijuana on me have been, dizziness, red eyes, hunger every moment, laughter, relaxation.  😱 Marijuana has given me several experiences, both good and bad, thanks to my willpower I was able to quit marijuana by myself, but I have learned one very important thing, "You don't need drugs to feel happy, and that: with courage; will; strength and dedication, you can get out of the world of drugs. " 🙏💪😎 Thank you.      ...